Beginner's Guide to Badminton Basic Movements

10 Nov, 2022 - Badminton Training, badminton skills, badminton

Beginner's Guide to Badminton Basic Movements

Badminton is a sport that attracts a large number of participants because of its simple gameplay, suitable for all ages. However, when you join a lot of people, you don't know how to move in badminton properly, causing your body to lose strength quickly.


Single Step Move In Badminton

The way to move in badminton according to the single-step technique is applied quite a lot in the case of hitting the bridge right, left or when the opponent rushes close to the body. With this position, the player needs to put one foot as a pillar, the other foot will be allowed to change when moving on the field.

When moving in a single step, athletes should note that the feet should be shoulder-width apart, bend the knees and lower the center of gravity. At this point, the player's entire body is almost leaning forward, eyes looking straight and at the same time retracting his arms.

If the player wants to move in a sideways position, he must place his heel and left foot as pillars, rotate the foot direction to create an angle of 130-135 degrees. Next, step your right/left foot back about 50-80cm, so that the tip of your foot touches the line extending from the right heel.

In case, the opponent hits the shuttlecock falls close to the body, if the ball is on the right side, the athlete uses the left half of the foot as a pillar. At the same time, the right foot takes a step back and combines with his technique to create powerful smashes.

However, if you do not perform the correct technique in this position, it will be difficult for the player to promote his forte. Therefore, players need to know how to move in badminton to be able to play better.

Single Move Horizontal Step

To hit the right shuttle, you use your left foot and left heel as a pillar, rotate your foot to the right to create an angle of about 130-135 degrees. Right foot backward a step about 50-80cm so that the toe of the foot is straight with the line extending from the left heel parallel to the direction of the hit, the foot is aligned with the direction of the attack, the step angle is about 45 degrees. Focusing on the right foot, the body rotates to the right, the whole body forms a right shuttle.

For the left shuttlecock position, you will take your right foot and right heel as pillars, rotate the foot to form an angle of 130-135 degrees relative to the direction of the shuttle. Left foot steps back about 50-80cm forming a 45 degree step angle. Focus on the left foot, twist to the left, the whole body into a left shuttlecock position.


Single Step Move In Back Pose

With the backward posture, you also move a single step left or right depending on the situation.

If the bridge falls close to the body or behind the right, you take the upper half of the left foot as a pillar, the right foot takes a step back 50-60cm wide with a step angle of about 135 degrees, the whole body forms a right shuttle position. . Finally, kick hard to return to the starting position.

If the bridge falls close to the body or behind the left, you use the front half of the right foot as a pillar, the left foot moves back a step about 50-60cm wide to create a step angle of 135 degrees, the whole body forms a hitting position. left. Kick hard to return to the starting position.

Badminton Multi-Step Move


The way to move in badminton in a multi-step position is that you will have to change the position of your legs and usually two or three steps or more. This move is often used by athletes while hitting the bridge line away from the foothold.

This technique consists of two main types: moving sideways and backward, forward. All are considered the most basic defensive and offensive measures that are indispensable in the practice or match of any player.

Multi-Step Move with Horizontal Pose

You stand in a prepared position in the middle of the court in a central position.

To move to the right, you kick hard on your left foot, turn your body 90 degrees to the right, step forward with your left foot, lower your center of gravity, and lower your knees.

Step forward with the right foot, then the left foot, and so on, until the last step is the left foot touches the edge of the right vertical.

Focus on the left, the left knee bends down again, the body twists to the right to enter the right shuttlecock position.

Hit the badminton racket forward, then kick the left foot hard to push the person to turn 180 degrees, continue to move in the opposite direction.

Multi-Step Move Back And Forward

To perform multi-step moves backward or forward, the player needs to follow these specific steps:

Start in a prepared position.

Depending on the purpose of forward or backward, you perform the movement of running with 2 legs alternately backward or forward.

At the end of the last run, you will enter a right or left shuttle position.

Move Jump In Badminton

The technique of moving with a jump in badminton is used in cases where the player can guess the direction of the ball to be able to finish the ball in the most perfect way. If the shuttle flies back, then you must move the double step backwards to be able to hit the shuttle.

The technique of moving the jump in badminton includes 3 main types: jumping forward, jumping with stepping stones and jumping high to block the bridge. These are all very important moves, applied a lot to apply techniques of dropping close to the net or along the edge. This way of moving is very fast, it is reasonable for demand curves far from your standing position, but moving steps has no effect.

You can use stepping jump with badminton jumping technique to get points

Move Leap Forward

You start from the prepared position.

Use the strength of your legs to bounce forward in the direction you want to move.

The legs are brought forward with long strides, causing the body to rise slightly.

Then the foot hits the ground, the front leg bends down and focuses on this leg.

The body and the handle of the racket extend forward in the direction of the shot.

Smash your feet forward, pushing your body back to the starting position.

Stepped Jump Moves

This move in badminton is similar to the forward jump but with the addition of a bounce and fly phase. Detailed instructions on how to move the step jump are made as follows:

When entering the preparation position, you use the strength of your legs, bouncing up towards the move and letting your body fly up.

Immediately use one foot to land, continue to use that foot to kick the ground strongly, taking advantage of inertia to turn the body to fly higher and faster in the direction of movement.

Extend your legs that have not yet touched the ground forward. When contacting the ground, quickly kick your feet forward, flipping your body to return to the basic preparation position.

Move High Jump Or Head Block

This move is often applied in attacking play, helping the player to capture the height of the flying bridge, helping to hit the shuttle faster, with a point closer to the net. Instructions for this move are as follows:

You are in a prepared position, using the strength of your legs to forcefully jump your body up.

When the body reaches the highest point, perform the hand movement to hit the shuttlecock and fall down.

Bring the foot on the same hand that is not holding the racket to touch the ground first. Lower the other leg after that, quickly returning to the starting position.