Does badminton help increase height? Badminton technique?

01 Nov, 2022 - badminton


Does badminton help increase height? Badminton technique?


The Play could be a method help the body training and effectively promote height. In sports, badminton is considered the most basic and easiest subject to play, for both men and women. However, how does badminton improve the height as well as protect the health of the players? Please read the article below to answer questions related to badminton.


Does playing badminton help you get taller?


There are many reasons to play badminton to help you get taller quickly:


- Players continuously perform movements: high jump, stooping, sprinting, reaching, hitting the shuttlecock... These movements stimulate musculoskeletal activity.


The forceful effects on the muscles cause the growth plates to be stretched, promoting bone elongation, strong bone development.


- Playing badminton requires you to jump and jump continuously, the musculoskeletal muscles are constantly stretched, gradually pulling away from the ends of the bones, forming new bones.


- Another effect when playing badminton is to promote the body to produce more hormones that play a role in supporting height growth.


By how many centimeters can I increase my height by playing badminton?


Everyone's growth rate is different. The ability to increase height after a period of time playing badminton will also not be the same for each person. Therefore, it will be difficult to quantify specific improvements for badminton players. If you maintain a regular badminton habit, combine with a healthy diet and proper rest, you will achieve optimal improvement after a few months.


Playing badminton to increase height is suitable for which age?


Children and adolescents under the age of 20 are those who are still in the age of natural growth. This is the best time to adopt a badminton game plan that promotes superior tallness. Children from 6 years old and above can start learning to play badminton because at this time, bones and muscles have developed to a certain extent. Children can easily hold the racket firmly, perform running movements, stretch, jump high, change positions ...


Who is suitable for playing badminton to increase height?


Those of you who are still in the age of height development but are short and want to improve your physique can choose to play badminton. However, to ensure effective growth and health protection, you need to check your ability to adapt to this sport. Playing badminton is recommended for those who have strong bones and joints, no injuries, no fatigue and stress and must still be able to develop natural height.


You can play badminton at the stages of height development such as: 6 - 10 years old, puberty, after puberty. At each stage, the intensity of play, playing time, and technique will be different based on the current body situation.


What time of day should I play badminton to increase height?


The timing of badminton also affects the performance of height gain. Usually, this sport is played in the morning, late afternoon or early evening. Depending on the playing space, you can play badminton at noon if you play in the indoor court. You should note, do not play badminton after 7pm because this is the time for eating and resting.


You can have a snack 45 - 60 minutes before playing badminton, but you should not eat right after the game ends. Note that in the morning after waking up, the bones and joints have not really adapted after a long sleep, so you should play badminton with less time, warm up more carefully.


How many minutes should I play badminton once?


A badminton match lasts about 30-45 minutes and is divided into 2-3 innings. Each round of badminton can last 10-15 minutes depending on the player's adaptability and strength. Rest time between rounds helps you quickly recover strength, relax muscles and joints, ready for the next round.


What to pay attention to when hitting badminton to increase height?


- Always warm up before playing badminton to warm up the body and avoid unnecessary injuries during the game.


- After the game, you need to stretch for 1-2 minutes and rest in place for 15-20 minutes.


- Drink enough water during and after the game to compensate for the amount of water lost through sweat, and at the same time to replenish physical strength.


- Should have a snack before playing badminton about 45 - 60 minutes to have energy to exercise.


- Choose shoes that fit your feet, ensure soft to move comfortably.


Clothing that fits, is not tight, will cause muscles to be pinched and difficult to function.


- Choose a racquet of good quality, the size of the racket is suitable for the body.


- There is always a break in a match.


- Do not play badminton when there is an injury, especially the injuries to the hands, feet and shoulders.


- Do not hit the bridge hard continuously will make you lose strength.


How to play badminton to increase height in combination with diet?


Nutrition is still the most important factor to help bones be nourished and ready for height growth. In addition to a regular badminton habit, you should apply a nutritious diet with substances involved in the growth support process: Protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin K, collagen type 2, potassium, zinc, iron...


Eggs, bananas, cereals, fish and seafood, chicken, lean beef, legumes and nuts, spinach, broccoli, kale... are foods to eat if you want to increase height. Supplementing with nutrient-rich food groups will help you have the energy to play badminton with high performance. At the same time, the body has enough conditions to develop and grow at a remarkable rate.



Hitting badminton to increase height and related questions


Is biceps badminton playing big or not?


Only professional players who regularly play badminton with strong intensity will get bigger biceps after a while. For those who practice daily with moderate intensity, the purpose is to increase height, you do not need to worry about biceps. Even playing badminton also helps you burn calories, slimmer and more toned body.


Does playing badminton help with weight loss?


With 30 minutes of playing badminton, you can burn nearly 200 calories. The number of calories burned depends on the weight status, frequency and intensity of badminton playing in each person. Playing badminton regularly every day or 3-5 days a week, combined with a completely healthy diet, helps you lose weight effectively.


Hitting badminton to increase height is not suitable for who?


- People who have passed the age of natural height growth (more than 20 years old). You can check by X-ray to see if the growth cartilage is still active, if so, you can still increase your height.


- People with disabilities, who have injuries or persistent pain in muscles and joints in hands, feet and shoulders.


- People with difficulty in breathing.


The patient cannot exercise vigorously.


- You are in your period.


- People with limited vision.


- People with physical weakness


Badminton is a simple height increase sport that both men and women can do. Playing with the right technique, maintaining a regular playing habit helps you to have optimal growth early. Don't forget to apply the badminton tips that we just shared, combine reasonable rest and eat scientifically to soon exceed the standard!