Solutions to limit wrist injuries when playing badminton

26 Oct, 2022 - badminton


Why does badminton hurt my wrist?


There are many causes of wrist pain while playing badminton. These can be mentioned as: Wrong manipulation leads to misalignment, wrist sprain. In the process of moving, encountering some impacts such as slippery ground, muscle fatigue or tripping, causing the body to collide directly with the ground in the hand-stand position also leads to wrist pain.


Further causes for the above-mentioned wrist injuries are: Overtraining, exercising when the body is in a state of fatigue, weak muscles. Players who choose a practice location are not sure, new players learn or self-study, so they do not apply the correct badminton technique


Solutions to limit wrist injuries


Short-term solution (Deal with it now)


As soon as you have a wrist injury, you need to stop playing to prevent further pain and ensure that the wrist injury does not get worse. Apply ice to the painful area and, if possible, combine it with a pain reliever spray or topical medication. Do not do heavy labor during this time. If the pain and swelling is still not relieved after 48 hours as well as unable to perform daily activities, immediately go to a medical facility to be examined by a doctor.



Long-term solution (Maintain to avoid)


Warm-up: Muscle temperature as well as blood and oxygen flow to the muscles are enhanced. The muscles and joints are more flexible and thereby reduce the risk of muscle and ligament tears.


Relax: After exercise, it is necessary to let the body relax so that the heart rate gradually lowers, restores the joints to their original condition, thereby reducing the risk of joint pain and wrist pain when playing badminton.


Nutrition: Provide enough energy for the body after each training session such as eating lots of protein-rich foods, drinking enough water, supplementing fruit to enhance vitamins needed for the body.


Rest in moderation: After exercise, muscles need time to recover. Rest in moderation so that the body is not overloaded and prone to injury.


How to hold the racket properly to limit injury


Holding the racket with correct technique is the first, most basic and most important thing for anyone who wants to practice badminton. To limit injuries, especially to avoid wrist pain when hitting badminton, you need to know this technique very well. Here are two popular and technically correct ways to hold a racquet:


Hold the racket style V-grip 



How to hold the racket correctly to limit wrist injuries


Hold and tilt the racket 90 degrees to the ground, then let the palm of your hand grip the handle in the middle like a handshake. Close your fingers around the racquet handle, thumb rests on the racquet handle, the tip of the thumb is directed towards the handle, the index and middle fingers are placed for the most comfortable feeling. Holding the racket correctly, the index finger and thumb will form a "V" angle.


Hold the racket style Thumb-grip 


The thumb is slightly stretched along the handle of the racquet. The tip of the thumb is placed on one edge, giving the feeling that the thumb pushes the handle of the racquet from the back, pay attention that only the tip of the thumb rests on the handle, the index finger is slightly stretched and hugging the handle. This grip style will be suitable for backhand net shots.


Hopefully this article will give you a lot of useful knowledge so that you can limit your wrist pain when playing badminton. As long as you adhere to learning how to play the right technique and a vibrant spirit of motivation to practice, wrist pain will no longer be a concern for you.